Swinging is comfortable and soothing, but for a child or adult with a sensory integration disorder, swinging is so much more. It helps to strengthen the vestibular system to improve balance and spatial awareness, and encourages kids to develop gross motor skills and muscle tone.
Growing up, many children learn how to subconsciously regulate their sensory systems by engaging in a variety of playtime and everyday activities. But for kids with sensory challenges, this process is a bit more difficult. Adding vestibular input therapy to their weekly schedule helps to improve balance, movement, spatial awareness, posture and more.
Our senses help us to navigate our environments successfully, but when these are over- or under-stimulated, movement becomes difficult since the brain isn't sure where the body is in relation to the space that surrounds it. Vestibular input builds body awareness to help strengthen our ability to move correctly, efficiently and confidently, and swinging is a great way to engage these senses.
We offer a range of therapy swings to provide vestibular training along with the right kind of sensory input and pressure that's suited to each individual's needs. Some children crave move input while others are averse to it; sensory needs should be carefully monitored and met appropriately, whether that's in a home or therapy environment.
Our swings vary from mounted to free-standing, to help accommodate your needs for space and cost. Try a ceiling-mounted swing if space is limited or a portable swing for temporary setups.
When designing your therapy setting, consider the space as a whole and how swing therapy will fit in. Swivel hardware can be installed into your home's or classroom's framework, doorway swings are generally easily removable, and free-standing systems allow swings to be shared among classrooms and create more versatility.
We work with a range of manufacturers to meet the needs and budgets of parents, teachers and therapists all across the country. Fill out and submit this form to start learning more about how you can make your sensory room vision a reality.