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New!  Travel Take-a-Long Tote
Got-Special KIDS|Travel Take-a-Long Tote
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List Price: $85.70
Starts at: $72.00
Savings: $13.70

Product Code: 4151

The perfect travel items all bundled together for easy convenience! All items are chosen to provide plenty of busy work to keep them occupied and entertained. Make your vacation a great one with this tote filled with 8 amazing items!

Included in this bundle:
(3245) Tic Tac Toe Gel Lap Pad
(5689) Eeboo Travel Games
(8010) Fat Brain Coggy Neon
(6133) Sea Life Mini Slide Show
(8622) Whack a Shark
(8778) Magnetic Sand Timer
(3185) Liquid Motion Bubble Timer
(6140) Magnetic Create A Scene Trains